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Pastor T

"Keep the main thing the main thing"

The focus of the course is the pursuit of freedom. In a nutshell, that means we should be honest and aware that often our reactions are less than honest. For example; we may excuse our attendance at the course for reasons which sound rational and true, but in fact they are characteristics or personal preferences which are designed to take us out of the spotlight of Holy spirit inspired truth or revelation.

We may have used these tactics for years to safeguard exposing our learned behaviours.

Homework - Reading - Study - Research - Group Activities - Praying - Sharing - Pet Answers etc.

"I'll finish it at home"

"I have been really really busy"

"I have to go, I have another appointment"

"I am really shy"

"I don't have internet access"

All these reasons may well be valid and in line with the truth "AS WE PERCEIVE IT." But the KNOWLEDGE and APPLICATION of truth sets us free. Maybe we need to "Transform" OUR THINKING, which will require a change of behaviour also.

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Pursuit of freedom is best approached by accepting personal responsibility for our behaviour. We do this by asking oneself the simple question, "Am I hiding behind my excuses, because of a deeper more personal issue which I don't want to reveal?

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